LRTC Wild Horse Mentors'
Part Four

A horse and burro watching
the Westernaires practice
The workshop couldn't happen without the hard work of the volunteer staff, most of whom get so busy keeping things running that they miss most of the program! While the subject area of the workshop is people helping wild horses, the "action" involves volunteers helping volunteers.

Here are some of the folks from "behind the scenes" that made things happen.

Cliff Tipton and Director Cher Eastep
Clinician Assistant Rob Pliskin
Co-Director Janet Tipton
LRTC Treasurer Sharon Lamm
Cafe Director Joyce North
Arena Manager Joyce Sharp
Clinician Assistant Paul Ristrim
Clinician Assistant Ken Johlke
LRTC Board Member Jill Starr
Cafe Asst. Randle Thomsen

BLM Land Use
Federal regulations require multiple use of Federal lands where appropriate. Management approaches to wild horse herds must accommodate a thriving ecological balance and preserve the multiple use relationships between the horse herds, other plants and animals and reasonable human interests.

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Wild Horse Workshop Objectives

What is a mentor?

Check out the Workshop Sponsors

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