LRTC Wild Horse Mentors'
Part Three

New arrivals coing down the ramp
It's all about the horses...

The workshop is ultimately about horses. Thousands of excess wild horses have to be removed from public lands in order to maintain ecological balance. Since healthy ranges produce healthy horses, maintaining appropriate horse populations is not only beneficial to their environments and the native animals that share those environments, but it is beneficial to the horses left on the range.

The focus of the workshops is to provide for a safe and humane transition for those animals that have to be brought from their "natural" environment. The Wild Horse Mentoring project is designed to provide assistance to the hundreds of wild horse adopters. The Wild Horse Workshop provides supervised, direct "hands-on" experience for the volunteer mentors.

Make no mistake about it. These horses are wild when they arrive at the workshop.

"You scratch my back..."
Figuring out pen assignments
A few healthy mares
More mares
Petting a "wild one"
Getting a nice scratch
Sweet filly, funny growth stage
Halter practice
First touch!
Sal and her mare

No Excuses!

We don't accept excuses that it's too windy or it's too noisy (etc.) to gentle or train horses. These are wild horses brought into a fairly dark and noisy indoor arena, with work going on in ten pens simultaneously and with horses being moved in and out through the adjacent alleys. All these horses got worked without injury to a single horse or participant, which is the historical safety record for our program.
"A little more to the left"
"I'll give you an hour to stop"
Edona Miller
Picking up feet

Wild Horse Predators
Cougars, bears and wolves can take down wild horses, but as a practical matter only the cougar is present where wild horses range and only a few out of hundreds of herds are subject to predation by cougars.

Continue to Part 4

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Wild Horse Workshop Objectives

What is a mentor?

Check out the Workshop Sponsors

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