LRTC Wild Horse Mentors'
Stud Poker
(Horses are Wild)

Special Feature

The "kicky stud" coming up to the game
It wouldn't be a workshop without a poker game... Stud poker, with a real stud. This year Robert chose the horse, known as the "kicky stud" as he liked to kick everyone in his holding corral. The objective of the game is to halter the horse for the first time without standing up. The purpose of the game is to show that usaing the horse's curiosity and tendency to establish patterns can accomplish results without the horse getting stressed or upset.

The "ante" for the poker game is alfalfa. the players would ignore the horse and simply play cards until the horse's curiosity got the better of him. At that point the players would start a kind of a clicker game. When the horse came close, someone would click and the horse would be allowed to take a small mouthful of alfalfa. Pretty soon the horse thought the game was pretty cool.

This year's game was tougher since the Sharps didn't bring their card table. We managed to make an overturned water tub do, although it wasn't very comfortable to try to sit up close to!

We didn't time it but it took around a half hour to get the halter completely on the horse.

Note: This was a wild horse with experienced handlers. The purpose of the demo is to show the power of curiosity. We don't encourage you to try this at home!

Going around and checking out the "players"
Checking out the stuff on the table
Getting used to hand movements
Putting the halter around his muzzle
Frank picking up the halter
Putting the halter on the horse
The players this year (left to right) were Robert Denlinger, Willis Lamm, Frank Bell
and "The Kicky Stud."

Click Here to view a video the poker game

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