LRTC Wild Horse Mentors'
Part 3

Chilly mornings!
What counts the most in any program like this is the participants.
The Wild Horse Workshops are interactive events. Without participant involvement and hands-on activities with the horses, the workshop would be little more than a glamorous demonstration.

The people who come and work with these animals are dedicated to the premise that properly gentled and trained wild horses can make successful transitions to domestic life and adapt comfortably to healthy, fulfilling and happy lives. Bridging the stressful transition from wild to tame is where the art of horse gentling is at it's apogee and this is where this group excels.

One look at the interplay between humans and animals who, just days before, were frightened and wary of people and you have proof positive that these once wild animals will do just fine and can enjoy life as domestic horses.

Robert Denlinger, Cozette Archie,
and Tom and Gwilda Byrd
Keith Temple, Elsa Wahl
and Ralph Trezza
Betty Casey & Dawn Rystrom
Charles Boysden, Art and John Ruhs

The R.V. Camp
"Wild Horse Cafe Deux"
(The original blew away)
The "Human Round Pen"
Practicing making rope halters
John Ruhs, Pat Williams,
Tom Pogacnik & mentor Donna Rhodes
Sheila Noel, Robert and Art

Wild Horse Predators
Cougars, bears and wolves can take down wild horses, but as a practical matter only the cougar is present where wild horses range and only a few out of hundreds of herds are subject to predation by cougars.

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Wild Horse Workshop Objectives

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