LRTC Wild Horse Mentors'
Part Thirteen

BLM Crew

Utah Lead WHB Specialist Gus Warr
They sometimes don't get much notice but the BLM crew does a ton of work to make these workshops fly. They have to bring in all the horses and pens, start early in the morning to feed the animals before the program starts in the morning. Then they have to have the first loads of horses in the training pens for the first session. All day long they sort and move animals, often not putting the last ones up and feeding them until after dark. Then there is adopter paperwork and prospective adopters to talk to and interview. It all makes for a pretty busy day.

Gus Warr and his crew did an exemplary job all throughout the workshop. In addition Art DeGrazia and B.T. Frost gave us a tour of the Butterfield Corrals. The Butterfield tour was a highlight of the week... lots of healthy looking horses playing in huge corrals with rolling hills and natural cover.

Janet Neal (formerly known as Janet Nordin) did her usual top notch job in pulling all the players and pieces together to make this the smoothest running workshop that we've ever had.

Janet Neal helping in the cafe
B.T. Frost
Jeff Freeze and Kyle Hansen
Tami Howell
Scott McKnight
BLM public affairs trailer

An incredible experience at this event was a tour of BLM's Butterfield Corrals. The corrals provided a wonderfully natural setting for the horses and the group got to visit inside the stallion corral... surrounded by over 100 playful studs.

For a complete look at the Butterfield tour, please click Here.

Horses looking down at visitors

Meanwhile, back at the workshop wild horse and burro adoption...
Curious bidders await bid closing
B.T. and Gus collect bid sheets
Carla making her final bid
Carla has a horse!

Contraceptive Issues
The BLM is studying the use of contraceptives on some wild horse herds. While this approach will not completely resolve population growth rate issues, it may significantly reduce the numbers of horses which have to be removed from the range.

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Wild Horse Workshop Objectives

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